Hello fellow DD services advocates!
House Bill 5931, the bill to raise DSP wages to $15.00 per hour and to raise Nurse and QIDP pay passed the Senate on Tuesday, May 31. This means it is going to Governor Rauner. If he signs it, our DSPs will finally get the living wage they deserve!
A huge thank you to everyone who called their Representatives and Senators these past three weeks. Your calls made the difference and got this bill in front of the Governor.
We can’t stop now. We need everyone to contact Governor Rauner’s office and ask him to sign HB 5931 into law. All you have to say is, “I’m calling to urge Governor Rauner to sign House Bill 5931, the DSP living wage bill, into law.” That’s it!
Call his office at 217-782-0244.
Also go to this website and ask him to sign HB 5931, the DSP living wage bill in to law.
We are so close everyone! PLEASE spread the word to every DSP you know and to families who count on DSPs. Call and write Governor Rauner now!
Thank you,
John Pingo, Ph. D., BCBA-D
President/Chief Executive Officer